Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Girl's 12 years of life in two-minute video

By Courtney Garcia, contributor

Parents everywhere take note: the job of family videographer just got a little more intense.

To creatively preserve the lasting memory of his daughter, Lotte, filmmaker Frans Hofmeester took snippets of footage from 600 weeks of filming her growth, and sliced them together in a time-lapsed montage that documents her development from birth to age 12. He released the video mosaic to the world on Vimeo on April 16.

Lotte?s journey through youth involves a few spit-ups and tears, the arrival of teeth, a grab for the nostrils, and a sampling of seasonal fashion trends via turtlenecks, hats and hoodies. Most dramatic is her evolving hairstyle, as her blond locks grow, her part gets shifted, and pigtails subsequently appear. It?s then onto barrettes and headbands, the camera snapping away while the little girl?s once tousled mane is pulled, primped, and layered according to the mode du jour.

Hofmeester made a similar short film about his son?s maturity, from birth to age nine, which the director posted April 18 and runs just over two minutes in length.

According to his website, Hofmeester is a Netherlands-based photographer and editor, specializing in e-learning, corporate films and short clips. He is nominated for a 2012 One Minute Award in the category of Moving photography for another of his projects.

Lottie?s track to tween-dom concludes with the brooding remark, ?To be continued??

What do you think of Hofmeester's project? Share your thoughts on Facebook.

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