Monday, July 2, 2012

Video: Is Mitt Romney?s wife his secret weapon?

>>> is mitt romney 's wife ann his secret weapon ? mrs. romney gave a rare interview to " usa today " about her life, specifically about her 14-year battle with multiple sclerosis. some republicans call ann the secret weapon because she makes an easy connection with voters. perhaps one reason, one reason why is mrs. romney's honesty about her health. in the article she says of her m.s. diagnosis. "it's really chiselled me. really shaped me almost like a wine press would or an olive press." joining me now is jackie kucinich who also contributed to that article. good afternoon to you.

>> good afternoon.

>> i want to share another excerpt here with our viewers, as well. this is from that " usa today " interview in california. quote from ann romney . my challenges aren't financial and i'll give that to anybody. i do not have financial challenges, but i do have challenges. and all of us have challenges in life. for me having this kind of serious health challenge has made me more compassionate, more understanding of those who were struggling. that is probably the kind of answer that mitt romney 's campaign workers would love to hear him give. here's a woman who says, you know what? i'm rich, i'm wealthy, but i have problems too. and here's how -- that was the thing that struck me most about that article.

>> well, it was interesting. when i was talking to voters about this in virginia last week, they shade the same thing. they said, you know, it didn't -- she did. she had -- she had some -- they have problems, excuse me. it did humanize the family a little bit. and some of them said they wished mitt romney would talk about the struggle a little bit in his -- his role in helping her to really hammer it home that, you know, this is a family and they're not just, you know, kind of -- he's not just this executive. he actually is someone who had a wife who is ill.

>> -- when it comes to the choices he makes on the campaign trail?

>> he's asked about that. he says he always consults with his family. so you have to think that she does. when she's on the campaign trail, she's -- she really -- she's good on the stump, she's someone that voters really voters have really embraced her, the people who know her. she's not known across the country yet, but they're getting there.

>> we also found out she apparently enjoys comedy central . she watches the " colbert report " at least. she calls it hilarious, the bit where he talks about her riding horses to treat her m.s. -- she says in the article, "you have to understand, we all laugh at the sport too." we know how ridiculous it looks sometimes. why haven't we seen ann romney do more interviews with the likes of stephen colbert or out there more?

>> i don't know that you won't. this is the beginning of the campaign and they're introducing her to voters. i mean i -- i don't know they're going to put her on colbert, but i think you'll see her doing -- you'll see her stepping out more because she is someone who -- voters said this, she is someone who humanizes mitt romney and really shows that there is another layer there. because he is so private, she kind of is becoming more of the public face of the family.

>> jackie kucinich, " usa today ," thank you.

>> thank you.


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