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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
l ? (Friend) l ? (Crush) l ? (In relationship) l ? (Neutral)|? (Rival)|? (Enemy)l
- Code: Select all
[*]Aedan McKellan[*]Amarina Yani King
[*]Azalia Dorin
[*]Brooklyn Jones
[*]Clarity-Castro Moore
[*]Delilah Rose Nox
[*]Divinia Doriano
[*]Ever Daniels
[*]Hazel Lealis
[*]Iain McLean
[*]Jason Castro-Moore
[*]Joseph Fino
[*]Karol Angelo
[*]Kwan Yin Xong
[*]Lina Dorin
[*]Melody Eleanor Nox
[*]Rose Gilome[/list]
Its not really as hard as it looks, I swear. What you see is a list of every character that is known now. What you o do is give a synopsis of how your character feels about them. After their name copy/pasta the symbol corresponding with your the relationship. Afterwards, give a quote in italics. Something that your character would say to them. Or something they'd say about them in an interview. Afterwards, give a brief summary of something your character would say when asked how they feel about the corresponding character.
There's a lot of characters and a Character Relationship Chart makes it easy for everyone to keep up with where their characters stand with everyone else's.

?I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.?
? Robert Fulghum
?All I'm writing is just what I feel, that's all. I just keep it almost naked. And probably the words are so bland.?
? Jimi Hendrix

Little Fox - Member for 0 years
Jason Castro-Moore| ? - Friend |
| ? - Crush |
| ? - In A Relationship |
| ? - Neutral |
| ? - Rival |
| ? Enemy |
- Aedan McKellan: ? | ? Aedan? Oh, he's fine. A party animal, definitely. I don't know him extremely well, but we're not strangers, either. I think if we talked a bit more, we could get really close.
- Amarina Yani King: ? | ? Haha, seems like my kind of girl! We've never even spoken, well maybe once or twice but not on a regular basis, so this might seem weird, but yeah. She seems loud, not afraid to express her opinion. Not that I've been stalking her or anything, haha. I just wish she'd be a bit less quiet around me, it's not like I haven't heard her care-free reputation. Did that even make sense? Oh, whatever.
- Atreyu: ? Well, first things first, I love his name. Just puting it out there. I love weird names, and his normal name is unpronounceable, so he goes by his nickname, which is equally as weird. About his personality.. I don't hate him, don't love him. Too much of a Merlin character for me. I mean, he's nice, but that's the problem, I guess. All charming and mighty and the girl's are all swooning over his six pack and stuff.
- Azalia Dorin: ? | ? | ? Yeah, I put down three, what of it? It sort of depends, so yeah. She's a bit.. crazy? Not like insane crazy, just temperamental. Which is why Clarity hangs out with her, I guess. All I'm saying is that, even though I can't say I'm amazing at every subject, she's not trying at school at all, and I'm worried it will rub off on Clarity. Like, I'm not going to let Clarity stay at my apartment when she can't get a job. Just saying.
- Brooklyn Jones: ? She's a puck, so I have to be friends with her, right? Nah, I'm just messing about that, but I would consider her a friend. She's a bit younger than me so we don't hang out all the time, but our conversations aren't boring.
- Clarity-Castro Moore: ?| ? Ugh, Clarity. She's such a bossy bitch, but she's my sister. I am a bit protective over her, I guess. I mean, only Matthew and I are allowed to be mean to her, fact.
- Delilah Rose Nox: ? Who is she? Just messing. Delilah and I are best friends, she's just so, what's the word, carefree? Yeah, that's it. Love her to pieces, like a sister. Well, not like a sister, because I love her more than Clarity, but you get what I mean. Can I put down ten thousand smiles?
- Divinia Doriano: ? | ? Don't recognize the name.. oh, wait, I do, I think. Isn't she that bitch in Circe? She's a bit too.. self-centered to me. Don't know if that's the right word, but I won't say anymore because I don't know her enough to say anything.
- Ever Daniels: ? Ever and I seem to get along fine, she's really chatty, like me. Seems to be a risk-taker, too, though maybe that's just because she never thinks before she acts.
- Hazel Lealis: ? | ? She's fine, sweet. To be honest, she kind of intimidates me. I know I may seem like a whole high and mighty guy "- yeah, not really Jason," but - wait, hey! Shut up invisible voice! Anyway, as I was saying, I know I may seem all tough, but yeah. Maybe it's just because she's so hot. Don't tell her I said that, she might get cocky. Heh, cocky.. "Stop being a dirty-minded prat, Jason." What part of shut up don't you understand?
- Iain McLean: ? Well, he's a teacher, so I have to hate him, right? It's how it works! Anyway, don't know him. He's a professor, that's it. Oh, and he's supposedly like a bazillion years old or something.
- Jason Castro-Moore: ? | ? I'm bloody amazing! Hell to the yeah! If I didn't like myself, then wouldn't I just change my attitude? Like what kind of a question is that!
- Joseph Fino: ? | ? Seems nice but.. he doesn't take much risks, does he? I mean, I'm not one to 'live on the wild side of life' but I don't think he's broken the law! Ever! And since he's seventeen, this also means he's still a virgin! Like, relax mate!
- Karol Angelo: ? Karol? That's his name? Hah, isn't that a girls name? And why does he spell it with a K? It's a unisex name, Jason. What the fuck is a unisex name? Anyway, same as above, I automatically hate all professors. It's my golden rule. That, and the five second food touch the floor rule, or whatever it's called.
- Kwan Yin Xong: ? Kwan Kwan! Oh, by the way, don't tell her I said that, she might kill me or something. Anyway.. yeah, I know I said I have to hate all professors, but I put her as neutral for that amazing name. Jason approves!
- Lina Dorin: ? | ? Oh yeah, she's Azalia's sister, yeah? Sorry but, how are they related? They are literally polar opposites! Well, not literally, but don't go telling me how to use words!
- Melody Eleanor Nox: ? She's Delilah's.. half sister, I think it is. I don't really know for sure, never asked. Don't know her too well, since they don't get along very well, but yeah.
- Rose Gilome: ? | ? Gilome is a fancy surname, so good job! Yeah, I think I've spoken to her on occasion. A nice girl, but not a push over.
I'm aware I did this mildly wrong, but I was half way through before I understood what it meant.. xD I'll do it right for Clarity though! Promise! By the way, love the thread!

UniqueYetUnoriginal - Member for 0 years
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