Sunday, November 18, 2012

Jordanians call for king's ouster during rally

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) ? Thousands of Jordanians have taken to the streets across the country to call for the ouster of their U.S.-backed monarch in the fourth day of unrest sparked by fuel price hikes that have threatened the stability of this Arab kingdom.

The protests came after similar rallies turned violent earlier this week, with one person killed and 75 others, including 58 policemen, injured in the unrest.

Crowds on Friday varied from about 150 people in the southern town of Tafila to 3,000 in the northern city of Irbid. The rallies were led by the largely secular Hirak youth movement.

The rare calls against Jordan's Abdullah II are seen as an expression of frustration over the sharp increase in fuel and gas prices. Jordan is plagued by poverty, unemployment and high inflation.


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