Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Israel Bombs Convoy on Syria-Lebanon Border

Israeli jets reportedly struck a convoy on the Syrian-Lebanese border today.
The Jerusalem Post reported:

A western diplomat and three regional security sources said Wednesday that Israel Air Force warplanes struck a target on the Syrian-Lebanese border overnight, hours after Lebanon reported a series of three overflights by Israel in its airspace.

Israel has expressed increasing concern over the fate of Syrian chemical and conventional weapons as the country slides further into chaos after almost two years of civil war.

The sources, who declined to be named due to the sensitivity of the issue, had no further information about what might have been hit or where precisely the attack happened, but the news website Al-Monitor quoted unnamed sources as saying that the target had been an arms convoy in Syria, close to the Lebanon border.

A Western diplomat in the region who asked about the strike said ?something has happened?, without elaborating.

An unnamed security source told AFP: ?The Israeli air force blew up a convoy which had just crossed the border from Syria into Lebanon.?

An activist in Syria who works with a network of opposition groups around the country said that she had heard of a strike in southern Syria from her colleagues but could not confirm.



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