Friday, February 17, 2012

Video: Final preparations for Houston funeral

>> whitney houston 's family is gathering one day before a funeral that will draw big names. this as new information emerges in the investigation into death. nbc 's jeff rossen is outside the new jersey church where houston's funeral will be held. good morning.

>> reporter: good morning. let's start with new information on the investigation. law enforcement tells nbc news police have already questioned whitney houston 's doctors and they have already received her medical records . they are poring through them on the west coast . for this weekend the focus is on the east coast in newark, new jersey. the family will hold a private viewing of the body at the funeral home and here, about a block away at the church is where the funeral will happen tomorrow. there is major star power. late thursday night, bobby brown and new edition were back on stage in maryland.

>> i'd like to say thank you for your prayers.

>> reporter: he paid tribute to whitney houston .

>> i'm going to throw two up for whitney . [ cheers and applause ]

>> reporter: after buzz that he wouldn't be invited sources close to the planning now confirm whitney houston 's ex-husband is expected at saturday's funeral.

>> he will be there, both because he wants to support his wife's family. most particularly he wants to support his daughter and be there for her. i wanna dance with somebody

>> reporter: the pop diva will be honored by the industry's biggest names. aretha franklin will perform. so will stevie wonder . kevin costner , whitney 's costar in "the bodyguard" will speak at the funeral. whitney 's producer clive davis will speak. tyler perry , alicia keys . of course whitney 's cousin dionne warwick will be there. the service saturday at noon in whitney 's childhood church where she sang in the choir as a teenager.

>> this is a church and we're going to have some church in this celebration.

>> reporter: it is a private funeral, invitation only. fans are showing up by the hundreds.

>> we just want to pay our respects and say good-bye.

>> reporter: whitney will be buried nearby at this new jersey cemetery, the same cemetery where her father is buried. this morning we have new details in the death investigation after finding prescription pills in whitney 's hotel suitelaw enforcement tells nbc news they have questioned her doctors and obtained her medical records . police say they don't suspect foul play, but they are still waiting for toxicology results.

>> god bless you.

>> reporter: in the days before her death whitney visited doctors' offices at least twice, leaving this medical building in beverly hills february 2. on february 7th she was back again, unclear why.

>> is that real fur, whitney ?

>> no!

>> reporter: whitney would die in her hotel bathtub just days later on february 11 . as investigators try to unravel the mystery of her final moment, this weekend it's about honoring whitney houston and that voice that spoke to millions.

>> reporter: the family wants to keep this private. so police are asking fans to stay away from the area saturday. to make sure they are closing down the streets within a six-block radius of the church behind me. by the way, matt, this will be televised on live television and streamed online with one camera allowed inside for the service.


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