When developing an online strategy for a business, there is one key component that should always be at the center. I would even go so far as to say that it is the MOST important component to driving business online. With all the focus on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, insert new trend here, the focus of your online strategy should be?
Yep, you read it right. Building your online presence begins with your web site. While it may be the most time intensive part of your strategy, that commitment will pay off in the long run. Let me explain why:
1. CONTENT ? As if you haven?t heard it enough, content is king. Without content on your web site you have nothing to drive people back to. Content builds trust, content drives traffic, content provides marketing. Your content is the only piece of the internet that you own. Your 485 Facebook fans are not yours. The amazing Pinterest boards could all go away, but your content will live forever.
2A. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ? Traditional marketing efforts are at best fading and as some would have you believe are dead. The Harvard Business Review states, ?Buyers are no longer paying much attention (to traditional marketing). Several studies have confirmed that in the ?buyer?s decision journey,? traditional marketing communications just aren?t relevant. Buyers are checking out product and service information in their own way, often through the Internet, and often from sources outside the firm such as word-of-mouth or customer reviews.
2B. SEARCH Being found is key. According to the web site mobithinking. More than 1/3 of all searches are performed from a mobile device with 61% calling the business found and 59% visiting. You can either be one needle in a haystack with your web site, or you can increase the needles by writing blog content that is rich in the key words that pertain to your brand. This content has a greater likelihood of being syndicated on other people?s sites as they look for content too. At a recent wine writers conference when a panel of wine marketers were asked, ?What is the benefit of reaching out to wine bloggers?? The response was simply, ?SEO, linkbacks and the opportunity for increased internet traffic.? These marketers got the power of being found in search engines. Content on your blog/web site increases this.
3. CONVERSION ? Social networks are great for building customer loyalty, continuing engagement, real time customer service and driving traffic to web sites. They, however, are not always the greatest tool for converting a customer to a sale or getting customer data like email. Your web site and the content needs to be driven by a conversion strategy. How can you convert those eyeballs looking at the page at that moment to action (buy a product or subscribe to a list).
Blogging with regular content can be very time intensive. Not every post has to be a 1,000 word essay. At a minimum use a blog to talk about your product, post your press releases, and share your events. Enlist the help of other writers by inviting them to write about you (with the critical back link) and try writing on other industry web sites as a guest writer. The content is king and you will soon see your name rising to the top of search engines.
Let?s connect and develop an online strategy for your business. Contact me, Josh, mayhem@nectarmedia.co
Don?t forget GO SOCIAL, Winning and Building Business Online conference is September 25, 2012. Tickets are only $149. Great conference to get motivated, educated and equipped for your online success.
Source: http://www.nectarmedia.co/my-top-recommendation-for-online-strategy/
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