Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Winner of Our Trip to the Remodeling Show :: Building Moxie

OK . . . I know there have been a handful of folks waiting patiently to learn the one Winner of our 106 Yard Contest.? At stake ? a trip to the Remodeling Show in Baltimore.? The Show (& Conference) runs October 9th to October 12th this year.

2012 Remodeling Show BannerQualification in the Contest was as simple as commenting on this post >> Building Moxie is Looking for One Remodeler to Bring to the Remodeling Show 2012.? We received 15 total entrants (which I feel was a very good number), and thank you all who entered.


* ?How exactly, jb, did you decide on one Winner . . . from such a worthy pool of candidates???

Well, for that, I turned to a few fine friends for help.? Three (technically four) to be exact.? Each, I feel, have a finger on the pulse of the Remodeling world, and all are also very familiar with the benefits of the Show itself.

Our Judges ?

Mark Clement (& Theresa) @ My Fix it Up Life (Look for their new #fixituptalk chat every Wednesday night.)

Leah Thayer @ Daily 5 Remodel (Now back with daily posts & an official outlet of @ NARI National.)

Timothy Dahl @ Charles & Hudson (Together with Mrs. Dahl, Laura, catch him having fun @ Built By Kids.)

Used These Instructions ?

1. Read the comment on the Contest post >>
2. Use the individual?s primary website (and any other resource available) to get a sense of the size, scope, age, quality, need of the individual?s business.

Each judge then returned a list of 5 Remodelers, ranking that list then from 1 to 5.? (A ?#1 vote? represented the Judge?s pick for the one individual that ?might receive the most value from attending.?)

I then applied a simple points system to these rankings.? A First position vote received 5 points, a Second position vote received 4 and so on.? I added all points together, and the one individual with the most points, well . . .

* A special shout here to Brian Peppel @ Handyguys Podcast for playing the role of alternate, tie breaker, the Decider (on standby, but not needed).? Thanks Brian!


*drum roll* ?

* ?oll* ?

* ?oll* ?

And . . .

Building Moxie?s . . . The Chosen One, Year 2012

sean lintow sr. @SLSConstruction at the 2010 Remodeling Show Baltimore


Parting Notes

In general I was pretty impressed with the quality of entrants we received for this Contest (and our Judging in fact confirmed that).? Our best to all who participated? you all are worthy.

Thanks out to the fine folks at? DAP Products, American Standard, Houzz and Wilsonart HD . . . for making this possible. Thanks for your support throughout, congratulate Sean, and hey if anyone wanted to submit a ?the Chosen One? graphic, for various possible uses, I would welcome it.? ?Til next year.? Out! ~jb


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