Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Food & Drink Innovation Network ? THE ENGLISH PROVENDER ...

October 30th, 2012

The English Provender Co. has reformulated and expanded its range of salad dressings.

Made from natural ingredients, the new light salad dressings range includes Balsamic, French Vinaigrette, Honey & Mustard and a brand new House dressing.

Historically all products for The English Provender Co. have been light, a consumer expectation for the brand so contain at least 30% less fat than their standard variants.The English Provender Co.?s new House dressing which combines roasted garlic and smoked sea salt; naturally seasoned.

The English Provender Co. has reformulated and expanded its range

The English Provender Co.?s Marketing Manager Karen Fowler said:

?The New Product Design Team was delighted to develop our own ?House? dressing to showcase and celebrate our expertise in the making of salad dressings.

?Creamy dressings are the preferred choice amongst consumers and have a large share of the market because they lend themselves well to all types of salads.?

The English Provender Co. is one of the biggest providers of salad dressings to the market, but the brand is now a player within branded dressings.

The range includes:

? Balsamic ? A balsamic vinegar and extra virgin oil dressing with hints of aromatic basil and oregano.

? French Vinaigrette ? A light rapeseed oil and cider vinegar dressing with lemon juice, Dijon mustard and parsley.

? Honey & Mustard ? A light and creamy dressing with honey and mustard.

? House ? A creamy roasted garlic and smoked salt dressing.

All dressings are available at Tesco and Booths (excluding Light House ? just Tesco)

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Windows 8 tiles infringed on our patent, says SurfCast

A Maine company claims that Microsoft used its live tile technology in Windows 8.?

By Matthew Shaer / October 31, 2012

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer displays a Nokia Lumia 920 running the Windows Phone 8 operating system during an event in San Francisco this week. A Maine company has alleged that Microsoft stole key design cues for the Windows 8 OS.



After 1.24 billion hours of public testing in 190 countries, Windows 8 went live earlier this week. The latest version of the Microsoft operating system has been billed by Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer as a?"new era for?Microsoft?and our customers" ? a distinct "tile" interface that plays well with traditional PCs and laptops and also smartphones and tablets.?

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But according to a lawsuit filed this week in Maine court, in developing Windows 8, Microsoft may have stolen a few design cues from a company called SurfCast. Several years ago, SurfCast representatives allege, the company came up with a system of "dynamically updating icons" ? otherwise known as "tiles." Tiles, Horizons readers will remember, are an integral part of Microsoft 8.?

Now SurfCast is suing for an undisclosed amount of damages, Computerworld reports.?

"We developed the concept of Tiles in the 1990s, which was ahead of its time," Ovid Santoro, CEO of SurfCast said in a statement posted to the SurfCast site. "Microsoft?s Live Tiles are the centerpiece of Microsoft?s new Operating Systems and are covered by our patent."

So does SurfCast have a shot at making this lawsuit stick? Well, over at Ars Technica, Jon Brodkin calls the company a "patent troll."?

"SurfCast says it has suffered 'harm and injury' as a result of Microsoft's infringement," Brodkin writes. "But since SurfCast claims to have invented its tile-based technology in the 1990s and doesn't sell any products based upon it, it's hard to see how Microsoft's use of tiles in a brand-new operating system is costing the company any revenue."?

Still, if SurfCast is persistent enough ? and if its legal resources run deep enough ? it could manage to keep Microsoft tied up in court for some time to come.?

For?more tech news, follow us on?Twitter @venturenaut.


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Can we limit employee freelancing? ? Business Management Daily ...

Q. I recently found out that one of our designers has been freelancing on the side. It doesn?t seem to be interfering with her work, but is there anything we can do legally to protect the interest of the company?

A. You can ask her to sign a confidentiality agreement providing that she will not use or disclose any of your company?s proprietary or trade secret information.

You can also ask her to sign a restrictive covenant agreement providing that she cannot solicit business from your customers or compete with your business. However, in Pennsylvania, you would have to give her something in exchange for that agreement (such as a cash payment).

You can also include a provision in your employee handbook and in any offer letters or employment agreements that states that any outside employment may not interfere with an employee?s performance of his or her job for your company.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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In Home Entertainment: Top 5 Minimal Supply Arts and Crafts

even mermaids need umbrellas for Sandy.

So while everyone else has been out buying water and toilet paper, mom's been buying up arts and craft supplies. If we are going to be in the house for the next three days, who can wipe their bottom with what will be the least of our problems. If you went the more traditional route, however, and are stuck inside looking for something else to do besides drink bottled water, try out one of our arts & crafts that require minimal supplies. Chances are you already have the things you need lying around! Stay dry!

1. ?Applesauce Cinnamon Dough - this super yummy smelling "dough" requires only three ordinary household items: applesauce, cinnamon and a plastic baggie. And it's so easy to do you can do it in the dark if need be.

2. ?Marker Tie Dyed Garland - you don't actually need to make a garland, but if you use some glitter, it might help reflect what little daylight it sounds like we'll have the next few days. And you'll have no use for coffee filters if the lights are out either!

3. ?Apple Tree Stamping - we know everyone has been hitting the fall festivals hard and chances are you've got some extra apples about. Cut 'em, stamp 'em. That's about it.

4. ?Bathtub Painting - this might not be a good one if you've filled your tub with backup water, but it'll work in a shower, too. This is a good one to save for when the kiddos are really starting to get restless. Everyone likes a little naked paint time.

5. ?Tissue Paper Bottle Lights - save those flashlight for the real deal and make yourself some little bottle lights. What? You don't have mini fairy lights sitting around? Pshaw. A tea light will work with a little adult supervision, too.


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy to make landfall in an hour: National Hurricane Center


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Update On SpaceX Returning Home! | Business PR News

From the news updates that we received from SapceX CRS-1 Mission to the Space Station and Back, here are the latest updates directly from SpaceX.? This event started on Oct. 7th, when we started posting updates on its successful trip to the Space Station.? And now, as of Sunday Oct. 28th, 2012, the Dragon is back!? Watch these videos.



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Giants beat Tigers in 10 innings for Series sweep

DETROIT (AP) -- Marco Scutaro singled home the tiebreaking run in the 10th inning, and the San Francisco Giants beat the Detroit Tigers 4-3 on Sunday night to complete a four-game sweep and win their second World Series title in three years.

Ryan Theriot, who went hitless for St. Louis in Game 7 of last year's Series, singled softly into right field off Phil Coke opening the 10th.

Brandon Crawford sacrificed, nearly bunting the ball past Coke. Angel Pagan struck out and Scutaro singled into short center field as Theriot slid home ahead of Austin Jackson's throw.

Pablo Sandoval, who hit three homers in Game 1, was selected Series MVP. He was 1 for 5 in Game 4, dropping his Series average to .500 (8 for 16).

Santiago Casilla got the final out of the ninth for the win, and Sergio Romo struck out the side in the 10th for his third save, freezing Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera with a called third strike to end it. The Giants ran out of the dugout and bullpen to celebrate between the mound and second base.

Of the 24 teams to take 3-0 Series leads, 21 swept and three won in five games.

Delmon Young hit a tying home run off Matt Cain in the sixth. Cabrera and San Francisco's Buster Posey homered, marking the first time both reigning batting champions went deep in the same Series game.

San Francisco's Brandon Belt hit an RBI triple off the right-field wall in the second inning following a ground-rule double by Hunter Pence. But on a night when the wind was gusting to right field at up to 25 mph, Cabrera put Detroit ahead for the first time in the Series with a wild-blown, two-run drive in the third.

Cabrera's drive, on an 86 mph breaking ball, sailed over Pence, who thought he would catch it but ran out of room in front of the right-field wall on the cool, blustery night. It drove Jackson, who had walked with one out, and ended Detroit's 20-inning scoreless streak.

San Francisco had not trailed since losing Game 4 of the NL championship series, when the Giants fell into a 3-1 series deficit against St. Louis.

With a light rain falling, Scutaro reached on a chopper to third leading off the sixth and, one out later, Max Scherzer hung an 82 mph breaking ball. Posey drove it down the left-field line, where it stayed a few feet fair and landed a couple of rows over the wall for a 3-2 lead.

That advantage didn't last long. Young sent an opposite-field, no-doubt drive into the right-field stands in the bottom half, setting off cheers among the crowd of 42,152, with many fans waving white rally towels.

Andy Dirks followed with a single and Jhonny Peralta hit a drive that Gregor Blanco caught against the wall in left.

After watching Barry Zito, Madison Bumgarner and Ryan Vogelsong each allow one run or none in the first three games, Cain gave up three runs and five hits in seven innings with five strikeouts and two walks.

Scherzer, pitching on nine days' rest, gave up three runs and seven hits in 6 1-3 innings, struck out eight and walked none. After he left with a runner on second and one out in the seventh, lefty Drew Smyly retired Brandon Crawford on a flyout and righty Octavio Dotel induced a groundout from Angel Pagan.

Smyly, Dotel and Coke combined for 2 2-3 innings of hitless relief before the 10th.

Jeremy Affeldt followed Cain and struck out four in a row before Peralta hit a ninth-inning drive to center that the wind carried and was caught by Pagan on the warning track

Casilla relieved and hit Omar Infante with a pitch, breaking his left hand. Danny Worth ran for Infante and Gerald Laird hit into a forceout.

Sandoval was 1 for 5, dropping his Series average to .500 (8 for 16). He also made a nimble play to throw out Quintin Berry on a bunt to third.

Detroit's Prince Fielder was hitless in four at-bats, dropping to 1 for 14 in the World Series (.071) and 1 for 25 (.040) against right-handers in the postseason.

Detroit has lost seven straight postseason games.

On a 44-degree night, fans bundled up at Comerica Park and some players wore caps with earflaps during batting practice.

Detroit scratched catcher Alex Avila, playing with a sore right arm since he was hit by a foul tip in the opener, and replaced him with Laird. Infante moved up to eighth in the batting order.

[Y! Sports Fan Shop: San Francisco Giants World Series champs apparel]

San Francisco started Ryan Theriot at designated hitter instead of Hector Sanchez.

NOTES: Ann Romney, wife of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, attended the game.


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CRITTER CORNER: Halloween a scary time for pets | GoDanRiver ...

By: Paulette Dean | Contributing columnist

This is the time of year when I tell you that I hate Halloween.

I hate the way we start receiving calls about lost black cats before Halloween, I hate the gruesome costumes and I hate knowing what I know about the ?holiday.?

About three years ago, Lynn Shelton (board president and humane investigator) and I attended a local workshop about cult rituals. Some of the pictures and slides still haunt me, and when I wake up in the middle of the night with them on my mind, prayer is the only thing that erases them.

Halloween can be a scary time for pets. They are very routine-oriented, and can be upset by the parties and trick-or-treaters. They can also become frightened by the costumes. We recommend that pet owners take the following precautions:

? Keep your pets inside, away from all Halloween activities. They can feel threatened by the sight of the costumes, and frequently opened doors provide an opportunity for escape. Make sure all pets wear collars with identification tags just in case.

? Do not give in to the temptation to let your pets have candy. Candy can be harmful to them, and chocolate is toxic to dogs, cats and ferrets.

? If you use candles in jack-o-lanterns, make sure your pet stays away. Accidents can happen, and the candles can quickly burn or set fire to a pet?s fur. Playful pets can become entangled in hanging decorations like streamers, and other decorations can be a choking hazard.

It may sound like a cute idea to take your dog with you for trick-or-treating, but a dog could become frightened or confused by the noise and costumes. A dog bite or lost dog will end the fun.

Every outside animal is at risk for being hurt by pranksters or cruel people, but black cats are especially at risk during this time of year. If you do have a black cat, the safest place for him for a couple of weeks before Halloween is right by your side.

Many animal shelters will not adopt out black cats for the week before Halloween, although that practice is becoming less popular. We have guidelines in place that protect the animals year-round, but we do look very carefully when people want to adopt a black cat right before Halloween.

We offer a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of someone who participates in ritual sacrifice or cruelty. If you know, or even suspect, someone may be involved, please call us.

Critter Corner is co-sponsored by the Register & Bee and the Danville Area Humane Society. Questions or comments should be mailed to Critter Corner, P.O. Box 3352, Danville, VA 24543 or emailed to


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Eton Corporation Announces the Boost Line Mobile Charging Solutions

Eton Corporation produces a variety of emergency preparedness gear, and they are expanding their line with two dedicated charging solutions. ?First up (right photo) is their BoostTurbine Series chargers. ?The?BoostTurbine2000 (2000mAh for $59) and BoostTurbine1000 (1000mAh for $49) feature a rechargeable lithium battery and a hand-turbine power generator that serves as a “back up for [...]


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It started in Iowa; will it end there? (Powerlineblog)

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Home Improvement Tips That Will Help You Get The Ball Rolling ...

When thinking about value in doing a home improvement, kitchens and baths are always a good bet. Home improvements are always a safe bet, but if you have a few thousand to spend, spend it on your kitchen or bathrooms because they are the areas that new home buyers are generally most interested in.

Children tend to stick their fingers where they don?t belong and touch things they shouldn?t. Leaving your outlets uncovered leaves the chance of your child getting electric shock. You can buy small plastic covers from your local store for electric outlets to keep your child from reaching in and getting shocked.

If you have popcorn on your ceiling, get rid of it. The popcorn ceiling look was very popular in the 60?s and 70?s but now it just looks dated. You can find solutions that will soften the texture allowing you to scrape it away. It?s a simple change but it can really bring your house firmly into the new century.

Install a lazy Susan in those odd corner cabinets. It can be difficult to properly use the storage space they provide, if you have to get down on your hands and knees to search for the items in the back corners. A lazy Susan will allow you to reach your items easily every time.

If you realize that your heating costs are a bit more than you expected to be paying, you should have someone install some better insulation to your home. While this may be a bit pricey, it is much less than you would have to pay for inflated utility bills, over time.

When you set up your vanity lights in your bathroom, pay close attention to the shadows they cast. You don?t want to have your vanity lights set up in such a way that it is difficult to see what you are doing or in such a way that you appear to be veiled in shadows when you look in the mirror. Your vanity lights should be positioned in a way that provides a clear, usable working light.

To keep your toilets clean, pour bleach inside the bowl. Bleaching your toilets may smell bad for a while, but it will decrease your chance of getting sick and spreading germs as well as making your toilet nice and shiny. Scented bleach can also help keep the odor at bay.

If you love the idea of a home office but just can?t spare an entire room, get creative! A large walk-in closet or pantry is the perfect candidate for a mini-office. Most pantries have built-in shelves, which are perfect for a laptop computer, books, a printer, and office supplies.

Home improvement is a task that must be completed with quality materials. It is known that you will equally get out of your work, what you put in. Make sure that quality of your materials is good because using cheap materials will cost you much more in the long run than what you saved in the beginning.

When hiring a contractor to do a home improvement in your home you need to be certain that the contractor has great references. You should contact all of the references that a contractor gives you before you agree to let them do any work on your home. This is a great way for you to find a trustworthy contractor.

Unless your carpet is very worn or outdated, try steam cleaning it before replacing it. If your goal is to sell your house, all you need to do is make a positive first impression. Often cleaning carpets will achieve this goal, and replacing them becomes unnecessary. Hiring a professional steam cleaner can save you thousands over replacing carpet throughout a house.

When trying to decide on a big-ticket home improvement project, such as new counter tops, choose a design that is durable and timeless. Leave the trendy colors and funky designs for your furniture and paint colors, which are easier to change, if you tire of them or decide to sell.

Give a quick update to your kitchen by wiping down the cabinets and either adding or changing the cabinet hardware. Giving your kitchen cabinets a new set of knobs or handles can really enhance the look of your kitchen without costing a lot of money. With so many styles of knobs and handles available, you can change the character of your kitchen quickly and easily.

When hiring a contractor to do home improvements, do some research on them to make sure they are qualified and hold the proper licenses to do the work. Check the Department of Consumer Affairs, validate their licenses, and check to make sure they carry insurance so that if someone is injured in the home renovation, you do not get sued.

In conclusion, home improvements can be made by anyone. For those who are inexperienced, you just need some valuable information. The above article is meant to provide you with information that can help you begin the process of making home improvements. Remember, by following this information you can do the repair work yourself.

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SIA Flashback ? GM's Golden Engineering Decade | Hemmings ...


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OSHA sanctions SeaWorld after orca trainer death ? Business ...

OSHA has ordered Orlando?s SeaWorld marine park to change the ways in which trainers and orcas interact following the death of orca trainer Dawn Brancheau.

Brancheau drowned in February 2010 after a ?killer whale? named Tilikum pulled her under the water before dozens of horrified spectators. It took park workers 45 minutes to control Tilikum and recover Brancheau?s body from the pool.

Now instead of swimming with orcas, riding on their backs and being flung into the air off their noses, trainers must stay on dry land, separated from the whales by a glass barrier. Making the case for fewer restrictions on its popular orca shows, SeaWorld argued to OSHA that Brancheau?s death was unforeseeable because its orcas are so well trained and normally so well behaved.

However, OSHA investigators found that orcas have been involved in four deaths at North American marine parks?and that Tilikum had been present in three of those cases.

In addition to changing its orca show safety procedures, SeaWorld must pay a $12,000 fine. Meanwhile, the park is exploring ways to safely return trainers to the whale pool, including development of a pool floor that can be raised in an emergency to beach a rogue orca.

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News and Society Blog-Economics: Tackling Food Security ...

In the midst of "The Great Recession" and muddling through a sluggish recovery, cities across the U.S. are tasked with developing creative solutions to the inevitable societal side effects-side effects like joblessness, vacant/neglected properties, and hunger (to name a few).

The Bureau of Labor Statistics' May 2012 report shows a national unemployment rate of 8.2% with the highest rates among teens, Hispanics, and African Americans. In November 2011, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported a nationwide increase in vacant properties of more than 51% between 2000 and 2010. And according to the February 2012 report published by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), food hardship for people across the nation is the highest in years-particularly in metropolitan areas across the U.S. These grim economic facts are made even more stark by the reality of current global economic instability, making the phrase "Think Globally, Act Locally" all the more relevant.

City governments (and the residents who elect them) are in a unique position to either encourage or discourage vibrant local economies through the policies, codes, and ordinances they write and pass. As the national dialogue about local food and local economies continues to evolve, city governments wield significant power-particularly as it relates to land-use policy.

Currently, in most cities across the nation, city ordinances discourage or prohibit agriculture as a recognized land use. There's never been a better time, given our current economic environment and food hardship situation to reevaluate these policies. By rewriting or amending land uses to include urban agriculture, cities open the door for an increase in food production & availability, economic development & jobs, and improved neighborhood beautification & property values as vacant lots are transformed into beautiful gardens.

A handful of cities recognize the multi-faceted benefits of urban agriculture and are leading the way in developing land use plans that reflect these priorities. Since 2005, more than 16 major cities across the U.S. have included urban agriculture in their land use plans-some more aggressively than others. In most cases cities are beginning to formally recognize the value of community gardens and tailgate markets to their city's vitality. And though these are steps in the right direction, more aggressive action is needed to truly realize the economic and social potential urban agriculture has to offer.

One city-Cleveland, OH-is taking the lead in breaking the mold and aggressively promoting urban agriculture through their land use plan. In 2007, Cleveland created the Urban Garden District as a zoning classification-restricting use of land in this zoning district to urban agriculture activities. As more and more cities move to recognize the importance of agriculture and agriculture enterprise within the city limits, the national dialogue will continue to broaden and deepen-and rightly so.

It's important to keep in mind that not all zoning is good zoning when it comes to urban agriculture. In some cases, the restrictions that city planners and politicians impose restrict size, structures and activities in such a profound way that the policy essentially prevents what it is trying to achieve. As with any policy that affects the residents of a particular area and business of a particular type, those residents and businesses should be consulted as the policy is developed.

As cities continue to evolve and respond to the needs and pressures of an unstable global economy, a stagnant national economy, and increased uncertainty in the arenas of food security and environmental sustainability, they are challenged to think creatively and solve multiple problems simultaneously. By changing land use policy in such a way that encourages increased food production, additional agriculture jobs, and neighborhood beautification, cities will be ahead of the curve.


U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2011, November). VACANT PROPERTIES-Growing Number Increases Communities' Costs and Challenges. (Publication No. GAO-12-34).

Center For Disease Control. (2006). Land Use Planning for Public Health: The Role of Local Boards of Health in Community Design and Development.

Food Research and Action Center. (2012, February). Food Hardship In America 2011. Retrieved from FRAC data and publications database.

U.S. Dept. of Labor. (2011, June). The Employment Situation May 2012. (Press Release). Retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Safi Mahaba is the community garden manager in the Burton Street Community of West Asheville, NC and is passionately working on issues of food security and affordability in her larger community. Safi is also currently enrolled in the Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship Program at Western Carolina University. Webmasters and other article publishers are hereby granted article reproduction permission as long as this article in its entirety, author's information, and any links remain intact. Copyright 2012 by Safi Mahaba.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Norris Group Real Estate News Roundup 10/19/12 | The Norris ...

Today?s News Synopsis:

Join us tonight for I Survived Real Estate 2012. The event will feature speakers from all over the country, including Gary Thomas, Sara Stephens, Sean O?Toole, and many more.? Together we have raised over $350,000.? In the news, existing home sales decreased 1.7% last month, although this has not had a huge impact on housing trends.? Recovery is not looking like it will be a quick one for the commercial real estate sector.? Mortgage rates continue to stay at record lows with 30-years at 3.37% and 15-years 2.66%.

In The News:

DS News ? ?Program in City of Reading Aims to Revitalize Community? (10-19-12)

?The city of Reading in Pennsylvania is taking the issue of vacant properties into their own hands through a program called CORE.?

Housing Wire- ?Fannie Mae takes finger off automatic repurchase trigger? (10-19-12)

?Fannie Mae said it won?t require lenders to automatically repurchase loans with early payment defaults, reversing course on a key provision in the government-sponsored enterprise?s new representation and warranty framework.?

Realty Times- ?Mortgage Rates Near Record Lows As Home Construction Builds Up Steam? (10-19-12)

?In Freddie Mac?s results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey?, fixed mortgage rates edged slightly lower with the 30-year fixed averaging 3.37 percent, just above its all-time record low of 3.36 percent, and the average 15-year fixed dipping to a new all-time record low at 2.66 percent.?

Los Angeles Times- ?Existing homes sales fell 1.7% in September, but trends still good? (10-19-12)

?Sales of existing homes fell 1.7% in September after a big increase the previous month, but the trends in the housing market remain positive, the National Assn. of Realtors said Friday.?

Housing Wire- ?FDIC sold $1.5 billion in real estate assets in 2011: OIG? (10-19-12)

?The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.?s resolution and receivership division (DRR) managed to sell off 2,259 real estate assets from failed depository institutions for a sales price of $620 million last year, according to a new report from the FDIC Office of Inspector General.?

DS News ? ?Slow, Steady Recovery Expected for Commercial Real Estate: Report? (10-19-12)

?The commercial real estate sector is improving, but investors need to be patient and not expect ?quick wins,? according to findings from Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2013, which was jointly released by PwC and the Urban Land Institute (ULI).?

Los Angeles, California hard money loan closed by The Norris Group private lending. Real estate investor received loan for $88,000 on a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home appraised for $149,000.


The Norris Group is holding its fifth annual I Survived Real Estate 2012 tonight in Yorba Linda at the Nixon Library.

Bruce Norris of The Norris Group will be at the OC Investors Club in Tustin on Friday, October 26, 2012.

Bruce Norris of The Norris Group will be at the Cutting-Edge Financial Tactics Brunch at the Mission Inn in Riverside on Saturday, October 27, 2012.

Looking Back:

A big story in the news was construction on homes increased 15% as of the previous month, according to NAHB.? The Mortgage Bankers Association released their latest survey showing that mortgage applications decreased week-over-week.? A new bill was introduced putting new standards on issuing a government-backed mortgage, at that time considering energy costs.

For more information about The Norris Group?s California hard money loans or our California Trust Deed investments, visit the website or call our office at 951-780-5856 for more information. For upcoming California real estate investor training and events, visit The Norris Group website and our California investor calendar. You?ll also find our award-winning real estate radio show on KTIE 590am at 6pm on Saturdays or you can listen to over 170 podcasts in our free investor radio archive.

About Bruce Norris

Bruce Norris is an active investor, hard money lender, and real estate educator with over 30 years experience. Bruce has been involved in over 2,000 real estate transactions as a buyer, seller, builder and money partner.

Tags: Aaron Norris, bruce norris, commercial real estate, CORE, existing home sales, fannie mae, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., freddie mac, mortgage rates, national association of realtors, Primary Mortgage Market Survey, the norris group, The Norris Group Real Estate Headline Roundup, Urban Land Institute


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The politics of protest : Kaieteur News

It was the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan who way back in the 1940s initiated what he referred to as the ?politics of protest? against the colonial powers who literally juiced the colony of its natural and mineral resources, primarily sugar and bauxite, with very little returns to the Guyanese people. Dr. Jagan stood up defiantly in the Legislature on behalf of the working class who were savagely exploited by the expatriate commercial class. Such was the degree of exploitation that at one time the colony was remitting money to the ?mother country? Britain in the face of dire economic and social conditions experienced by the subject population.
Those were the days when the Legislative Assembly was little more than a debating club dominated by representatives of the plantocracy and the colonial office. There was hardly any working class voice in the Legislature. It was not until the elections of 1947, under restricted franchise, that Dr. Jagan won a seat in the Legislature and immediately started the process of championing the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
It did not take long for Dr. Jagan to realize that simply exposing the anti-working class nature of the colonial administration was not enough to effect changes on behalf of the oppressed workers. The shooting to death of five sugar workers who were protesting for better wages and working conditions at Plantation Enmore exposed the callous and inhumane nature of the ruling class. The struggle had to be advanced to a higher political level which culminated in the formation of the People?s Progressive Party on January 1, 1950.
The formation of the PPP under the leadership of Dr. Jagan proved a turning point in the politics of this nation. The political and economic hegemony enjoyed by the plantocracy in active collaboration with the colonial office was challenged in a way never hitherto experienced. One of the first demands of the PPP was for a wholly elected Legislative Assembly and the right to vote of all Guyanese, regardless of their social or economic standing. These demands were largely met following a dispatch to the colony of the Waddington Commission which recommended to the British Government the granting of universal adult suffrage and the introduction of a ministerial system of governance.
This was indeed a huge victory for the Guyanese people, for which full credit must be given to Dr. Jagan and the PPP. It was a major victory for the working people of Guyana who rewarded the PPP by electing it to office in the elections of 1953 by way of a landslide victory. The PPP won 18 of the 24 seats, a crushing defeat for the colonial office and the planter class.
The victory of the PPP at the elections of 1953 placed the once insignificant colonial territory of British Guiana in the political limelight. For the first time, a left-wing government in the region gained political power through constitutional means. The 1953 victory, it should be noted, preceded the Cuban Revolution of 1959, which brought the Fidel Castro regime in power. In that regard, the victory of the PPP was quite significant from a geo-political standpoint and certainly raised alarm bells both in London and Washington. Something had to be done to prevent the ?communist? virus from spreading in the hemisphere.
It is against this background of the Cold War and the hysteria generated by the PPP victory in 1953 that the suspension of the 1953 Constitution and the removal of the PPP from office after a mere 133 days in office must be seen.
The PPP became one of the first casualties in the hemisphere where the British government, under pressure from the United States government, refused to abide by the democratic norms and ejected the PPP from office, despite the fact of the PPP winning a landslide victory in a free and democratic poll. Britain was prepared to sacrifice the democratic aspirations of the Guyanese people on the altar of ?ideological? expediency.
Following the removal of the PPP from the seat of government, an interim administration was installed which included some of the very people who contested and lost the 1953 elections. The country marked time for about four years until new elections were held in 1957, which the PPP again won by a landslide, winning 9 of the 14 seats.
The PPP has over the years been the victim of all kinds of intrigue and manipulations to deny it from exercising political power. Struggles and protests for the rights and dignity of the Guyanese people are not new to the Party. There were protests against food shortages, protests against rigged elections, protests against high-handed actions by the former PNC administration towards workers and farmers, all of which were peaceful and legitimate.
I do not recall any protest action taken by the PPP that resulted in the blocking of roads or in public inconvenience, as is currently playing out on our streets today. The right to protest is enshrined in our laws, but these must be done in a peaceful manner and in conformity with the rule of law. Failing to do so could be counterproductive and not in the best interest of society as a whole.
Hydar Ally


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Atlanta Halloween restaurant events 2012 | Atlanta Food & Drink ...

Wine dinner? Beer tasting? Cooking class? Let us know. Submit Food and Drink events here.

Meehan's Public House Sat., Oct. 27 Halloween Bash. Meehan's Public House in Sandy Springs has the ultimate Halloween Bash planned for Saturday, October 27. Iron Mullet will serenade the crowd and make you feel ?like it's 1989. There will also be a cash prize give away to the patron that shows up with the best costume. Stay hydrated with drink specials including hunch punch and Jell-O shots. Only $6 to come in! If you want to get a head start on burning off that Halloween candy, participate in the walk/run marathon hosted by the American Lung Association. Details

Meehan's Public House Wed., Oct. 31 ScareFest. Join Meehan' ?s Public House in Sandy Springs on October 31 for an all-day ScareFest! The movies get scarier as the night gets later. Specials will include bottomless popcorn and our adult hunch punch. Details

Big Tex Decatur Sat., Oct. 27 Decatur's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party. The 5th year anniversary of Big Tex, launch of the new Big Tex cocktail menu, the viewing of Georgia vs Florida football game, and Halloween...all rolled into one huge day of fun, music, food! You can also enjoy live bands and a wing-eating contest. Details

P'cheen Sat., Oct. 27, 7 p.m. Hell on Highland. Break out your best Dracula, Frankenstein, or Honey Boo Boo costume this Halloween and head to P' ?cheen International Bistro & Pub's annual bash, Hell on Highland. Guests will enjoy complimentary beer and free Halloween-themed food items. Spooky DJs will spin tunes late into the night and one lucky costume contest winner will be rewarded with $100 cash prize. Details

STK Sat., Oct. 27, 8 p.m. Stake at STK. STK will transform its sleek lounge into a luxurious den for its vampire-themed Halloween escapade. Sip on Vampire Kiss Martinis and pumpkin mojitos while satisfying cravings with executive chef Jeremy Miller' ?s Halloween inspired menu. Food and drink not complimentary. Details

Cypress Street Pint & Plate Sat., Oct. 27, 7 p.m. Cypress Zombie Fest. Sponsored by Russian Standard Vodka and Newcastle Werewolf, Cypress Zombie Fest 2012 will feature an open bar from 8 to 9 p.m., a DJ will spin tunes all night long, and there will will even be a photo booth to capture the living's scariest moments. Additionally, the guest with the best zombie costume will receive $500, with second place receiving $250. Details

D.B.A. Barbecue Wed., Oct. 31, 7 p.m. Ghost Busters and Fireballs. Join D.B.A. Barbecue as they uncover their past this Halloween. Rock and Roll Paranormal will be in the house hunting the ghosts of D.B.A.' ?s past and showing a video featuring footage of their overnight ghostly finds. Attendees will enjoy $3 Fireball specials while listening to live music provided by Parker Smith & the Bandwith. Details

Tongue & Groove NightClub Sat., Oct. 27, 10 p.m. Superheroes & Villains. Tongue & Groove invites Atlantans to find their inner superhero and villains during their Halloween bash, Superheroes & Villains! T&G will be serving up frosty Peroni and Dos Equis beer specials and music courtesy of DJ Rory Breaker will keep the Halloween party going all night long. Details

Terminal West Wed., Oct. 31, 8 p.m. Shpongle. Music sensation Shpongle is taking over Terminal West and exploring music frontiers that are beyond classification. 'SHPONGLE' is a new world of traditional sounds, acoustic guitars, Moroccan drums, Turkish operatic singing, cello, double bass, backing vocals and silver flute blended together with the computer wizardry of Simon Posford's studio production. Details

Atlanta Food Truck Park & Market Sat., Oct. 27 Truck or Treating. The Atlanta Food Truck Park & Market will host "Truck or Treating" on Saturday, October 27, as Georgia Farm to Table and Tradition Trees offer with a great selection of Halloween Jack O' ? Lanterns, pumpkins, gourds, and more wonderful treats from the fall harvest. Kids are encouraged to come dressed in Halloween costumes. There will be face painting, candy, inflatables, pumpkin activities and more, so bring your family and come take part in all the "truck or treating" fun. Details

The Melting Pot Sat., Oct. 27, 12:30 p.m. Enchanted Princess and Noble Knight Party Luncheon. Party like a princess and enjoy the knight life at the Melting Pot on Saturday, October 27, with its Enchanted Princess and Noble Knight Party Luncheon. Beginning at 12:30 p.m., guests will enjoy a regal, three-course feast, delicious mocktails and the opportunity to meet special guests from Medieval Times. Details

Atlanta Botanical Garden Thu., Oct. 25, 7 p.m. Great Chefs of Atlanta Pumpkin-Carving Contest. Armed with whatever it takes to create the most artistic sculpture out of giant gourds, five chefs will be given 30 minutes to carve out their masterpieces. Competing will be two-time defending champion Tony Alberto, chef and visual artist, Mabuhay Atlanta Master Art Studio; Chef Andrew Miller, Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts; Chef Max LeBlanc, Sun in My Belly; Chef Greg Paine, Avante; and Chef Emily Phillips, Added Touch Catering. Details

Chipotle Mexican Grill Wed., Oct. 31, 4 p.m. Boorito. This Halloween, Wednesday, October 31, Chipotle will treat customers dressed in costume to a burrito, bowl, salad, or order of tacos for only $2 between the hours of 4 p.m. and closing. Proceeds from the fundraiser, up to $1 million, will benefit the Chipotle Cultivate Foundation. Details

Cibo e Beve Wed., Oct. 31 Cibo e Beve Pays Homage to Stephen King. Chef Harrell has created a masterpiece of small plate offerings that will be served on Halloween Night, each paying tribute to one of King' ?s literary thrillers. Dishes featured include Carrie, highlighting blood sausage with beluga lentils and caramelized apples, The Green Mile, little gem lettuce, passion fruit vinaigrette, walnuts and gorgonzola, The Shining (red drum, red drum) with African Red Drum, herbed risotto and 12 year balsamic, Children of the Corn, a corn and lobster frittelle with fonduta, Shawshank Redemption, mini Osso Buco (or veal shank), and The Mist showcasing Fritto Misto (assorted fried vegetables and seafood) with a Calabrian dipping sauce. Details


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Meet Some Brewers, Drink Their Beer | Sydney Craft Beer Week ...

Ever wondered where beer comes from? You don?t grown it on a tree, that?s for sure. Beer is made by men and woman called Brewers. The collective noun for brewers is ?A feast of brewers?. I know! Weird, right?

Through out Sydney Craft Beer Week we have a whole bunch of oportunies for you to sit down and have a pint with the person who made the pint. And I present:


Richard Adamson,?Young Henry?s
Richard?s brews have been downed at BBQs across Australia, pubs in London, bars from New York to Los Angeles, nightclubs in St Petersburg and pool halls in Beijing. Having established Barons Brewing?s core range of beers, including the innovative Native Range, Richard?s passion is to bring the whole beer experience to new and old drinkers through Young Henrys.

Meet Richard on just about every day.?Young Doctors in the East Village,?Young Henrys at the Little Guy, Young Henry?s Open Day, Young Henry?s House Party, Young Henry?s Tap Takover, Young Henry?s/Two Birds Collab Launch?and at Bloodwood, Newtown.

Paul Holgate, Holgate Brewhouse
Most young Aussies head over seas to check out the world beyond our sunburnt shores, and Paul and Natasha Holgate were no exception. On holiday trips to the USA and Europe in the 1990s they were amazed at the whole world of beer and beer styles out there.?The USA was an inspiration to the young Holgate?s, who saw the thriving microbrewing industry there and decided to just do it! Both of migrant families ? Paul?s family from Manchester England and Natasha?s from Sri Lanka ? they decided to quit their corporate jobs and follow their passion. Paul originally found his love of baking cakes and pastries, making jams and ginger beer from his Mum at home as a youngster and converted that to all-grain brewing from first principles while at University.

Meet Paul at Beer and Bites at The Oak Barrel.

Craig Wealands, Thirsty Crow
About 18th Months ago Craig opened Wagga Wagga?s first brewery and brew pub with his folks. In such a tiny amount of time the chap has achieved an aweful lot. His Vanilla Milk Stout took out Champion Hybrid at last Friday?s Champion Hybrid and a Bronze for their light beer at the?2011 Australian International Beer Awards.?Elsewhere on the lineup you?ll find the likes of a kolsch (their biggest seller), an English bitter and a US style pale, all excellent examples of style.

Meet Craig and show some appreciation at the Thirty Crow Tap Takeover at Yullis.

Brad Rogers, Jamie Cook, Ross Jurisich from?Stone and Wood

Brad, Jamie and Ross established Stone & Wood Brewing Company in Byron Bay in 2008 after many years of working in the beer business. Their dream was to quit ?working for the man?, shed the corporate garbage and get back to basics. This year the lads were took home an award for Best English Summer Ale from the biggest beer comp. in the world ? The World Beer Cup.

Meet the lads at The Big Pig Out?or the Food Truck Ambush

Steve ?Hendo? Henderson from Southern Bay Brewing

In just a few short years, Hendo has turned Southern Bay from primarily a packaging and contract brewery in to one of the best craft breweries in Australia. Sit down with the chap and ask him how he did it, all while having your head blown off by one of his hop?extravaganzas.

Hendo will be at Bloodwood for an intimate 16 person dinner. Join him why don?t you?

Ben Kraus from Birdgroad Brewers

Budding young winemaker Ben Kraus headed to Italy at the start of the Millennium to learn more about the art of making wine. Somewhere along the way, he got distracted on the ski slopes of Austria and ended up working at Tiroler Bier, a traditional microbrewery in Innsbruck, and returned to Australia a brewer, steeped in the traditions of the amber nectar.?Founding Bridge Road Brewers in his dad?s Beechworth backyard, he quickly established himself as one of Australia?s finest craft brewers and later installed his brewery at the High Country town?s old Coach House and Stables. There, visitors can sit among wooden clad tanks sampling a wide range of beers (and occasionally cider) while watching the brewers at work (This bio taken from the?Crafty Pint).

Ben will be at Bloodwood, Three Blue Ducks?and Brewers and Chewers.

Dave Golding ? Red Hill Brewery
Red Hill Brewery is located on the Mornington Peninsula and was founded by Karen and David Golding. Red Hill Produce a bunch of award winning beers and Dave has become known as a master of style. The brew on an 800l steam fired vessel and produce three main beers ? a Golden Ale, a Wheat Beer and a Scotch Ale. Sounds great1

Dave will be at Brewers and Chewers Dinner at The Local Taphouse

Luke Nicholas ? Epic Brewing
Luke Nicholas head brewer and owner of Epic Brewing in New Zealand. He is also the creator of the website, previously head brewer of the Cock & Bull?s beers, international beer judge, industry commentator, founding president of SOBA, and previously vice president of the Brewers Guild of New Zealand. All round legend, obviously.

Luke will be at Brewers and Chewers, Epic Alestars?and Cuz I?m Epic Bro

Dave Padden ? Riverside Brewing
Dave Padden got the idea to open a brewery a long time ago, fostered out of a love of home brewing. Padden is the founder of the casual western Sydney home brewers? club, and he speaks fondly of brewing as a great personal passion. He says the original plan for the brewery was something smaller???not quite a nanobrewery???although the initial vision has evolved a lot over the eighteen months. One thing that has remained constant, Padden tells me, is the need for a sense of community.

Tim Thomas ? Hopdog Beer Works (New South Wales)

Chris Willcock, Andrew Tweedle ? 4 Pines Manly
4 Pines began out of a desire to offer people great taste sensations through variety in their beer, quality craftsmanship, natural ingredients, traditional time honoured techniques (no short cuts). Something they wanted to drink & that their mates would be proud of! Their?stamp; ?Handcrafted beer brewed naturally? means in a nutshell that when you drink our beer you are getting the best of natures goodness.

Meet Chris at Brewers and Chewers. Andrew will be at the Beer Mimics Food Launch and a bunch of other events unofficially

Jayne Lewis ? Two birds
Jayne?studied a Bachelor of Science in Viticulture and Winemaking and worked in wineries in Margaret River and the US, before seeing the light and landing a role as a Brewer at Little Creatures in WA in 2004. She was involved in developing Pipsqueak Cider before moving to Melbourne in 2007. She worked casually at Matilda Bay Garage, Dandenong before accepting the role as Head Brewer at Mountain Goat Brewery, Richmond in 2008. Jayne has completed a Diploma in Brewing through the Institute of Brewing and Distilling in the UK ?and has judged at the Australian International Beer Awards, BrewNZ and the Perth Royal Beer Show.

Meet Jayne at Brewers and Chewers, High Tea at Harts Pub, SCBW Tweet Up At The East Village?and Young Henry?s/Two Birds Collab Launch

Jeff Wright -?McLaren Vale
For the last 18 months Jeff Wright has been heading up the brewing team at McLaren Vale Beer, formulating and brewing some unique and complex boutique amber draughts. Originally a viticulturist by trade, Wright was growing grapes for McLaren Vale wines when he decided that beer was where his heart lay. ?I?ve been home brewing for quite a few years? I suppose it?s where the passion was?. (Bio and pic from Time Out)

You can meet Jeff at The McLaren Vale Meet The Brewer afternoon at The Union.

Chuck Hahn at the James Squire Tour

Shawn Sherlock at Murrays Brewing Co
From humble beginnings in Taylors Arm (population 50) on the New South Wales north coast around, Murray?s relocated to Port Stephens in 2009 where today they run a heck of an operation in a funny place called Bob?s Farm. Recently they opened their first Sydney venue, Murray?s Brewery Restaurant and Bar at Manly. Shawn brews some of Australia?s most innovative beers and Murray?s is without a doubt of the best breweries in Australia.

Meet Shawn at the Murray?s Hoptoberfest Dinner

Rocks Brewing

Andrew Robson, The Lord Nelson
The Lord Nelson is Sydney?s oldest brew pub, having started brewing beer in house in 1985. Head Brewer Andrew Robson will be hosting The?Brewer?s Table gathering and explore the pairing of ale and food with a particular nod to seasonal ingredients. It will also provide an opportunity to sample Lord Nelson Brewery Ales whilst discussing their production first hand with the Brewer.

Andrew will be at The Brewers Table

Neil Whittorn,?Matilda Bay
The longest-established of all Australian craft breweries, Matilda Bay was founded by Phil Sexton in West Australia back in 1984, making small batches of beer for sale in Fremantle?s Sail & Anchor pub. First off the production line was the Redback wheat beer ? the first of its style made in Australia and still winning awards today.

Come meet Neil Whittorn?at?Waltzing Matilda at the King Street Brewhouse

Doc from Doctors Orders
Doc is homebrew royalty around Sydney. He has played an integral role in building the homebrew community in Australia and for the past few years he has been running the most excellent nano-brewery this side of Earth. His beers are always epic ?and beer nerds flock to their locals whenever he has a new release.

Doc will be at?Doctors Orders Tap Takeover and Beer Launch, Young Doctors (Night Nurse) Beer Launch


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