Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ryan blasts president on debt during Waukesha stop

By ASSOCIATED PRESS ??Monday, October 15, 2012 - 2:37 p.m.


WAUKESHA, Wis. (AP) ? Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is taking President Barack Obama to task over the nation?s deficit at a Waukesha rally.

Ryan appeared in front of hundreds of people in Carroll University?s field house Monday. His campaign erected a digital scoreboard at one end of the field house that tracked the growth of the national debt by the second. Ryan urged people to watch how fast the numbers are growing. He says Obama has run up more debt than all the nation?s previous presidents combined.

Wisconsin is one of nine states Republicans and Democrats believe are still in play for the November elections. Ryan headlined a fundraiser for GOP U.S. Senate candidate Tommy Thompson in Milwaukee on Sunday and Vice President Joe Biden was in La Crosse on Friday.


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